Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Lily Grace

Lily Grace Hamblin was born at 10.21pm on Tuesday 23rd September weighing 6lb 10oz.

Welcome to the world little one.

Monday, 22 September 2008

21st September

The big day today - due day. Unsurprisingly Pumpkin did not make his/her appearance although I was not really expecting it. I think today's lesson for Shimelle's class is that babies have their own timetables. So today was a day of sport with two football matches, the Ryder Cup and NFL to watch. Even though I don't really like golf it's fun to watch it with James.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

20th September

Same old routine. Meals, sleeps, walks and crafts. Always pleasant but feeling a little restless. Decided to stop reading the preganancy forums. Sick of reading about people who are 38 weeks pregnant and have already had their babies. Still can't believe that I will actually have a baby in the next two weeks. Washed some second hand nappies that I bought and they dried beautifully in the sunshine. Enjoyed a walk with James (plus a flake ice-cream as I have to keep my energy up). Strictly Come Dancing also started again. There is nothing like a little bit of glitz for a Saturday night.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

19th September

Beautiful weather today. Sunny but not too hot. One of the worst symptoms of late pregnancy has not been the acid indigestion or the back ache but the stretch marks that have developed recently. They are so itchy and inflammed. I have to remember to put copious of cream on them otherwise they are unbearable. Still I think that in a few weeks I will look back at this discomfort at being minimal! I am making progress with Shimelle's class now that my materials have arrived and hope to post my work tomorrow. Today I learnt that although I hate cleaning the end result is worth it.

Friday, 19 September 2008

18th September

Made massive amounts of granola today. This combined with all the bread and meals that I have in the freezer should mean that we should be able to survive at least a few days once Pumpkin arrives. However, at the rate James can eat granola I'm not entirely sure that it will last. I also washed the special toy that James has bought for Pumpkin. That has been one of the most special things about this whole pregnancy - his excitment and love for the baby. Both me and the baby are very lucky to have him.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

17th September

Final visit to the Midwives today. Everything seems okay although Pumpkin doesn't appear ready for his/her exit anytime soon. The Midwife seemed a little concerned that the heartbeat was a little fast but it did settle down. However, I was quite worried so I have kept up my kick chart just to reassure myself. I am booked in for a sweep on Sat 27th if Pumpkin hasn't arrived by then which I am sure sounds like more fun than it really is. However, all this extra time waiting for Pumpkin has allowed me to finish some more pages thanks to all the wonderful inspiration at Studio Calico.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

16th September

Another day spent crafting and watching TV with the obligatory walk. No symptoms of imminent labour. Managed to get some great photos from the garden and the cutest little jacket that Mum made. I almost hope that Pumpkin is a girl otherwise the jacket probably won't be worn - at least for this one. Also James took some pictures of me as even he cannot deny that I am not the size of a small elephant right now - as a disclaimer I would like to say that I think that the top exaggerates my shape.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

15th September

Got to spend another day crafting. Really enjoyable but looking forward to Pumpkin's arrival. I can't believe that the rose bush has decided to flower again. There has been nothing there since July. It must be the warmer weather that we have had recently. Also Monday night means my favourite meal - vegetable pasta - Yum!

Monday, 15 September 2008

14 September

Got to sit down for most of the day with my new kit and my new book. I didn't create amazing layouts but I had lots of fun. I also watched the mighty Green Bay destroy Detriot 48-25 thanks to some timely interceptions which were returned for tounchdowns. Brett who?

Sunday, 14 September 2008

13th September

Finished my first bottle of Raspberry Leaf tablets which are supposed to make the second stage of labour quicker. Hopefully I won't need too many of the second bottle! Also watch the Man United Liverpool match. James was convinced that we would lose but we actually won 2-1. Finally we went for a walk along the Mill Lane as it might be the last weekend alone. Here's hoping.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

12th September

I'm not the most patient person at waiting for events or things that I want. I normally plan to save up for things but cave in and buy them first and save the money later (at least 1/3 of my new camera falls into this catergory). So this late stage of pregnancy is a challenge for me. I think that part of it is the fact that I am so excited to meet this little person and the fact that I have to return to work on April 20th so every day that passes means one less day with him/ her. Fortunately my Mum and Dad came to visit today which cheered me up and gave me something else to do. Thankyou!

11th September

Finally the nursery is finished. Now all we need is a little pumpkin to live there, hopefully within the next ten days because I'm getting far too impatient and excited to meet him/ her. Enjoy the copious amounts of pictures!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

10th September

Another day passes. I am enjoying the time to craft and watch what I want on the TV but I still know that I am waiting for something better to happen. Today my new book finally arrived which filled up some of the time. We also got our weekly delivery of fruit and vegetables from Riverford. It all looks delicious.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

9th September

Finding myself falling into a little bit of a routine whilst James is gone. I normally go back to bed after he has left. Use the computer for a little while to check my emails. Do some crafts and watch "Without a Trace". Check my prompt for Shimelle's class and check James' email. Wait for his call at 12pm. Eat my lunch (apple, cheese, bread, raisins and milk - I used to hate milk!). Watch two episodes of Desperates Housewives. Do some chores. Watch two episodes of "Bringing Home Baby" as research. Watch Frost and have a cup of tea when James gets home from work. It's all very pleasant but I can't wait for Pumpkin to get here. I have a feeling that Pumpkin might be late so this could be my routine for a few more weeks yet.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

8th September

Today's exciting trip involved visiting the new Tescos in Cullompton. I was able to quickly snap a quick photo - people must think that I am mad, but I was able to purchase the ingrediants needed to made some mars bars cakes - which I think need a little more practise! I was also able to snap a few pictures of the Mill Lane.

Monday, 8 September 2008

7th September

Cooked (well James did) lunch for Pat and Tim. Bought a dessert for the first time that I can remember which wasn't ice-cream. Spent part of the evening trying to photograph the moon. I kid you not when I say that I deleted 17 pictures that were fuzzy or just appalling. Need to keep working how to use the new camera. Made my first Christmas card. Not sure how much time I will have over the next few weeks.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

6th September

Quiet day today. Feeling really restless and wanting something to happen, even though I know that I am probably at least two weeks away from meeting pumpkin, and if it takes after it's father probably a lot longer. It's a bit like waiting for Christmas bit not really knowing what day Christmas will be. Favourite dinner tonight - Chinese Vegetables and brown rice. Yum!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

5th September

Boy did it rain today. Torrential heavy rain that went on all morning. In my constant quest to improve my photography skills I tried to take some photos, some better than others. I need to work on understanding how to alter the shutter speed without under/over exposing the picture. We also got the new sink fitted which is far nicer than the old one, although in comparision looks big enough to bathe a baby in.

Friday, 5 September 2008

4th September

Another normal day, bought some milk, went for a walk and had a nap. Watched some pre-recorded Desperate Housewives and Who do you think you are. Just general things. And then as I was on my walk I saw this amazing grass head which I managed to photograph. I must make time to savour the little things.